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Anti-Slavery Statement




The Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”) requires all commercial organisations carrying on business in the UK with turnovers in excess of £36m to publish a Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement. Whilst SA Brain falls below this threshold it has continued to publish it’s policy.


The Act is aimed at combating two criminal offences collectively referred to as “modern slavery”:

  • Slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labour; and
  • Human trafficking.


One of the key focus points of the legislation is for organisations to “shine a light” through their supply chains so that any illegal practices are discovered and tackled. Organisations are therefore required to analyse all elements of their supply chain including their major suppliers as well as their incidental/minor suppliers, even those deemed to be low risk.


S.A. Brain Group

This Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement applies to S.A. Brain & Co Limited (Co No 52099) and all of its subsidiary companies, referred to as the “Company”. The Company’s main business areas include:

  • Licensed & unlicensed property ownership
  • Licensed property leasing (Tenanted Houses)
  • Brewing and packaging beer


Anti-Slavery Policy

The Company is committed to upholding human rights. It is totally opposed to slavery and human trafficking in its direct operations, its indirect operations and its supply chain as a whole. The Company has taken, and will continue to take, steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking does not take place in any part of the business or its supply chains.


Supply Chain

As a brewer and property owner we purchase goods and services from a variety of suppliers including raw materials, maintenance and building contract services, distribution services, fixture and fittings, consulting services, among others. 


Due Diligence

The Company completes due diligence on its suppliers, where practicable, to satisfy itself that it is trading with a reputable organisation. The Company expects all those in its supply chain to be opposed to slavery and human trafficking.



The Directors of the Company have approved this Statement 25th July 2024 and it is available on the S.A. Brain & Co Limited website.


Statement Review

This Statement will be reviewed on an annual basis and will be updated if required.


Jonathan Bridge


July 2024

Cert Siopa

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